Well trendy photos and that

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Hello Hello

So in the past year, I realised I really, really enjoy messing about with bikes. It's something to do with the mechanical stuff, mixed in with the fact that everything's not hidden away; it's just there, ready to be messed with. Messin' and making something my own. I bloody love it.

I currently own 3 bikes: A '92 Marin Palisades Trail mountain bike; a '76 (or '77?) Viscount Indy 500 road bike; and an '06 Raleigh Meat Head (hunk of crap).

The Marin is my work bike and the reason I've become addicted to doing up bikes and messing about, whereas the road bike is for longer distances, and will always remain a traditional and classy machine. They're both works in progress but the final ideas are there now, and although I plan on keeping both for years, I know what they'll look like.

That's where the Raleigh's come in, and why this blog's getting started. I want to start doing up bikes and selling them, and this blog's my way of documenting the blimmin' anguish story of each bike before it goes back on eBay to fund the next project. A vicious circle covered in dirt and grime and grease and paint and lube, that you get to watch fall apart before your very monitor. 


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