Well trendy photos and that

Sunday 23 February 2014

The Meathead so far

Moving on from the screwdriver related incident, I set to work on buying more stuff for my Meathead. It's a lot easier now to see what I'm trying to do, which is make to a fat mess; a cruisery monstrosity of a thing with custom built gear shifting, coaster brake, and no cables running across the frame (I want it to be bold and chunky, but tidy and stylish at the same time; like the Incredible Hulk if he got a really smart haircut).

Anyway, this is what it looks like so far:

Awwww yeaaaaaah

I found a Shimano SG7C-20 seven speed internal hub with coaster brake on Ebay, and ordered some Humpert Beach Cruiser handlebars, some cream-coloured BMX grips and a black and white vinyl banana seat (again from Ebay). 

Power shot from the floor to show off its mightiness
 I painted the outer housing of the 7sp hub black, along with some pair of rims I had originally from my work bike (Araya 26 x 1.5 single wall), then laced them up with the Quando front disc hub that came with the Meathead in the first place.

I flipped the bars to try a more 'boardtrack on steroids' thing, but I think having the grips so low might be uncomfortable

This pictures were taken November of last year, and the bike's been sat under my bed since because of other bike projects taking up my time and space. 

Loads of work to do still:
  • Buy or make a sissy bar to support the back of the seat. I really like the idea of using shock absorbers and then some sort of pivot on the front, but I've no idea where to find such soft shocks from for cheap.
  • Find a meaty looking single-ring crankset (Or find a triple-ring set, then make two chain guides to sit on either side).
  • Fix the front disc brake. 
  • Work out a setup for the gear changes, motorbike suicide lever style under the seat (maybe mounted to the V-brake boss?)
  • Find some sexy-fat whitewall or cream balloon tyres.
So not much to do then, really... And that's after sorting out my road bike before spring, and also doing up an old BSA 3-speed that's been sat in my room since May of last year. Not much to do at all...

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